
Solapas principales

Escolio 4 recto, lines 27–31

Ximénez employs the apparent neologism “duodernídad” to characterize the dual nature of divinity within the Popol Wuj. He specifically references Folio 1 recto of his Empiezan las historias… manuscript, in which deities are almost always mentioned in pairs: Tzaqol, Bitol; Alom, Qajolom.

Karl Scherzer, in his 1857 edition of the Escolios, rendered this term as duodeidad, which suggests “two gods.” However, Ximénez seems to be playing on trinity (trinidad), not deity (deidad). In seeking parallels between K’iche’ beliefs and his own Christian theology, Ximénez was not looking for “three gods,” but rather one god with three “sugetos.” He believed that he found one god (Junajpu) with only two “sugetos”: Junajpu Wuch and Junajpu Utiw.

It is worth recalling that duality and balance are two central aspects of K'iche' beliefs about creation.

Copia local: 
hunahpu. Un tírador. q'Díos per generatíonem tenía híjos se deue detestar, y explícar. Este díos q' el demonío les dío a entender, lo haçe en el num. 1. fol 1. duodernídad. porq' no nombra mas q'dos sugetos. Uno llamado hunahpu Vuch. Un tírador tacuaçín. ya hun ahpu Vtíu. Un tírador lobo.