
Solapas principales

According to Christenson (2007: 198), "In the Quiché language, tojil refers to a 'payment, debt, obligation, or tribute.' This is consistent with this god’s demand for tribute and sacrifice. Toj is one of the named days in the highland Maya calendar. During divination ceremonies the day Toj implies the need to pay a debt in a metaphoric sense." Citing the critical work of Barbara Tedlock (1982: 115), Christenson adds, "if a divination falls on the day Toj, this 'indicates that one owes (tojonic) in the customs of the Mundo [Spanish “World”] or the ancestors, and by extension one may owe a favor, work, or money to another person. If the client is ill, this means that the pain (c'äx) is a punishment for this debt; the only way to cure it is to pay (tojonic) the Mundo, ancestors, or creditor what is owed, plus a penalty for the neglect.' Another possible derivation of the word is from Mixe-Zoque. In that language, toh-mel refers to “thunder” (Campbell 1983, 83). In the Annals of the Cakchiquels, the Quichés are called “thunderers” because they worship this god, supporting this latter reading:

Then we asked: “Where is your salvation?” Thus we said to the Quichés. “Since it thunders and resounds in the sky, in the sky is our salvation,” they said. Wherefore they were given the name of Tohohils (Recinos and Goetz 1953, 58)."

In contrast, Coe and Houston (2015: 226) reference "the Temple of Tojil, a Jaguar deity connected with the sun and rain."

Según apunta el destacado lingüista k'iche' Sam Colop (2008: 141n225), "El nombre Tojil deriva del día Toj del calendario maya que significa 'día para ofrendar', 'día para pagar' por el verto tojo 'pagar'. Esta deidad del fuego estableció un 'pago' por el fuego y también está asociado a los truenos y relámpagos que producen las tormentas tropicales conocidas como Jun Raqan, 'huracán' en español."

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Ortografía de Ximénez (quc): 
Ortografía de Ximénez (es): 
Ortografía de Recinos: 
Ortografía de Colop: 
Ortografía de Christenson: 