Column B

Column B

El maís, el ꜩíte, el q,íte

Throughout the Spanish-language column, Ximénez faithfully translates the K'iche' term ixim as "maís" (maíz) and he retains ꜩite (red bean, per Sam Colop [2008]) in the source language: "at ixim at ꜩite" becomes "tu maís, tu ꜩíte." But in this line, he writes "el q,íte" instead of "el ꜩite." Earlier in the text (4r, ll. 10-11) tz'ite' grains serve as divinatory mechanisms used in day counting rituals practiced by Xpiyakok and Ixmukane. Was this a copying error? Did one of Ximénez's informants pronounce the word differently?