
Solapas principales

Los Tamub' son uno de los linajes principales de la familia k'iche'. El destacado lingüista k'iche' Sam Colop (2008: 135n206), citando a Dennis Tedlock (1996: 344 y 358) explica que los Tamub' e Ilokab' "eran linajes aliados a los propiamente llamados k'iche': para Carmack y Mondlock (1983: 215) los Tamub, son el 'Segundo grupo quiché (después de los Nima Quichés)."

The Tamub' are one of the major lineages within the K'iche' family. Allen J. Christenson (2007: n506)  notes, "At the time of the Spanish conquest, there were three main branches of Quiché people: The ruling Nima Quichés (Great Quichés), descendents of the four first human beings just mentioned. They consisted of the Cavec, Nihaib, Ahau Quichés, and the Zaquic; the Tamub Quichés who lived in the area between Santa Cruz el Quiché and Patzite; and the Ilocab Quichés near present-day San Antonio Ilotenago (Carmack and Mondloch 1983, 309 n. 15). The –ab suffix in Ilocab functions as a pluralizer, however, I have chosen not to write the name of this lineage as 'Ilocs' because the original derivation of the name is likely ilolkab' (beekeeper), an occupation characteristic of this group (Akkeren, personal communication)."

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Ortografía de Ximénez (quc): 
Ortografía de Ximénez (es): 
Ortografía de Recinos: 
Ortografía de Colop: 
Ortografía de Christenson: 