Five Inscribed El Zotz-Style Vessels in the Fralin Museum of Art

Solapas principales

TítuloFive Inscribed El Zotz-Style Vessels in the Fralin Museum of Art
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLooper, M, Polyukhovych, Y
JournalGlyph Dwellers

In Summer 2015, we had the opportunity to study the Maya ceramic vessels in the Fralin Museum of Art, University of Virginia, in Charlottesville. Not only does this museum house a number of important inscribed vessels (as well as many iconographically and artistically significant uninscribed works, not discussed here), but almost all of these have been unknown to the scholarly community until the present. In this note, we discuss the inscriptions of five of these vessels. All are painted in styles associated with the site of El Zotz, Guatemala (see Houston 2008).