"En tu sacro caystro son vulgares los Cisnes"

Solapas principales

Escolio 5 verso, lines 19–21

Echave edits Aguilar's original phrasing—"En tu sacro caystro son vulgares los Cisnes, que aprendieron, ò de Domingo, ò de Ferrer, el punto"—by adding Thomas Aquinas to this list of saints.

Aguilar is referencing a description of the Achaean soldiers in Book II of The Iliad, which reads: "They were like great flocks of geese, or cranes, or swans on the plain about the waters of Cayster, that wing their way hither and thither, glorying in the pride of flight, and crying as they settle till the fen is alive with their screaming."

Copia local: 
en tu Sacro Caystro son vulgares los Cisnes qe aprendieron o de Domgo o de Thomas o de Ferrer el punto